
Cupping is a therapeutic method that is used for reducing muscular stiffness and pain, respiratory illness, and skin conditions. Cupping therapy releases toxins and improves general circulation. There are two methods of cupping which utilizes either heat or air.
With heated cupping, a practitioner ignites a cotton ball with alcohol, inserts it into a glass cup, and then rapidly removes it. When cooled, heat and air inside the cup create a partial vacuum. The cups maintain suction and lightly pull the patient’s skin inside the cup. Typically, red or purple circle-like marks appear on the skin. The darker the color, the more stagnation can be found in that localized area. Marks can be present for a few hours and up to a couple of days. Although, air cupping does not utilize heat, the treatment works the same way.
Cupping is a pain-free method of treatment with positive effects. Patients report a feeling of warmth and a sense of deep relaxation. Many athletes utilizes this treatment to help with performance, relieve sore and tired muscles, increase motion, and aid in muscle healing.